
De regen

Danila Stoyanova


Listen to this poem in Bulgarian.
Voiced by: Bonka Borisova

illustratie: stadsverhalen

Stories from Leiden

It’s bleak and windy at Breestraat. Cyclists and shoppers hurry to get home. Nobody casts so much as a sideways glance at the wall poem hidden in the Ketelboetersteeg. Up high in the narrow alley, light gray on gray-white, strange characters hide themselves from hasty looks. Like a swan hiding its head between its feathers. But Danila Gorcheva often comes to look at the poem. She wanted it here. She frequently brings visitors from Bulgaria, her native country, and that of the young poet she shares her name with, who never saw her work printed. She was 23 when she died of leukemia. The wall poem is now a small place of pilgrimage. Danila brought pictures of the poet. A happy face, with knowing eyes. What does a sleeping swan dream of, Danila?

Photography: Patricia Nauta
Text: Joop van Gerven

illustratie: ik heb een verhaal bij dit gedicht

Share your story

Does this poem hold a special place in your heart? For example, do you remember when you first read the poem? Or did you come across it someplace unexpected? Let us know! We would love to add your story to our website.

illustratie: gedicht in leiden

Danila Stoyanova in Leiden

Photo Anoesjka Minnaard

illustratie: lees dit gedicht in het engels

и вятърът
сънуваха красотата
на един заспал лебед.

Шумоляха перата му.
Скрил глава
той пътуваше
и сънуваше
в тишината
всичко това.

illustratie: lees dit gedicht in het engels

The rain
the lake
and the wind
dreamed the beauty
of a sleeping swan.

His feathers rustled.
Head under wing
he glided and
all this in